D ear Father, Leader and Friends,
A pilgrimage is an essential part of our Christian life and our Catholic tradition. A journey through the Holy Land to follow in the “Footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ” brings the events of the Bible to life when we read the Scriptures. A visit to Lourdes, where we experience the events that took place at Saint Bernadette, will touch our lives in a very special way. In St. Peter’s Square for when we meet for the weekly “papal audience,” it will touch our lives as we witness His Holiness bless the crowds and encourage us to be true to our faith and tradition. In addition to the holy places and sanctuaries of Fatima, Zaragoza, Lourdes, the Divine Mercy and much more, we will enjoy the beautiful world that God has created for us. It has been our privilege for 25 years to take thousands of pilgrims annually to see the above-mentioned places and more. We cover the entire Middle East, Western and Eastern Europe, Turkiye and Greece and, of course, a pilgrimage to Mexico to honor our Lady of Guadalupe, the “Queen of the Americas”.
We are providing you with standard itineraries to the many places we will visit around the world. You can also check our website at www.adriaticpilgrimages.com, where you will find many more destinations. As ministers of the Lord, we take into consideration your responsibility to raise money for personal use, as well as to help in the churches and their different activities. We have a program that will allow us to grant, not only free trips, but also a percentage of the total sale of each pilgrimage. We can discuss this in further detail with you to see how we can help you best achieve your goals and aspirations. We have experienced staff, so you can contact us directly for your future pilgrimages and all the details related to this matter. We look forward to helping you and are privileged to help you achieve your goals toward a successful and spiritual pilgrimage to bless you and your ministry.
Sincerely, Anton Salah - General Manager
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